Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Gnome”
gnome programs and gnome so far
I’ve been looking for some programs to restore functionality I lost when I left kde 3.5.
glipper is an ok clipboard history application. although each entry only gets 99 characters.
liferea is almost as good an RSS Reader as akregator-kde3 (and MUCH better than akregator-kde4).
evolution is a mixed bag. it’s great for contacts, calendars, and imap, but LDAP won’t work, so no corporate address book, which is going to be a problem.
gnome rss reader: liferea
the first one I tried, liferea, has most of the good points from the kde 3.5 akregator: feeds with unread articles stand out with bold text, and the number of unread articles is tucked up next to the title. if there are no unread articles, there is no number. simple yet effective and readable at a glance.
kde vs. gnome
I can’t believe I’m typing this.
I’m logged in with gnome as my desktop.
I’m going to use it on all my computers for the next few days or a week and see how it goes.
KDE4 bothers me this much.
KDE4 keeps getting better, but I believe it will take at least another year to reach the polish of KDE 3.5. and I’m finding that in ubuntu, gnome is actually MORE polished than my beloved KDE 3.