Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Gas”
Dealing With the Cold
I put the liners in, and it made a huge difference. I still need to get new gloves, my hands pretty much started going numb, and I have a bit of air coming in around my neck, but it’s so much better than before.
Some statistics: The bike has 3115 miles now. I’ve gotten an average of 53.3 mpg (it’s so low because my typical highway cruising speed is an indicated 80-85 mph).
fed the cats on the way to work and went to the bank. The trip in was 32.1 miles, bike is at 1033 miles now.
trip home (including a gas stop) was 29.2 miles. bike is at 1062 miles now.
This fill-up was 3.091 gallons, $11.80, and 55.969 average mpg. I got gas early since I probably won’t ride again until friday. The low fuel light came on just as I exited the highway at the gas station.
Rode to the pool store, to feed the cats, then on to downtown phoenix. got the low fuel light on the way back, so I got gas in AJ on the way home. I rode home a little slower with the low fuel light in my eye, even though I knew I had enough gas to get there.
48.7 miles there, 38.1 miles home. Bike is up to 888 miles now.
More Commuting
The helmet was dried out this morning.
Rode in to work, and stopped off at Berge Mazda to buy some RX-8 parts. it was 17.3 miles to Berge Mazda. From there I went to work with a brief stop to feed some cats. 14.2 miles. the bike is up to 646 miles now.
The ride home was 32.9 miles (took 202). traffic was great. I got gas on the way home, mileage was around 51mpg.
rode to downtown phoenix, then to work. low fuel light came on, on the way to Phoenix, got gas around the corner from work. I had to drive around a while trying to find a gas station, ended up at a Valero. It was 37.5 miles to Phoenix, then it was 16.3 miles to the gas station and to the office. the bike is up to 509 miles now. this tank of gas was 54.
Running Low
Got to the gas station within a few miles of the low fuel light coming on. The gas guage was not quite to the empty mark. 13.519 gallons were required to fill up. That means when the low fuel light comes on, there is about 2.4 gallons left in the tank.
Weight Distribution
Got the car on the SCCA corner scales. The gas guage was two ticks above the 1⁄2 mark. My best estimate, taking into account the amount of reserve fuel still in the tank after hitting the empty mark (2.5 gallons) is that I had about 10.3 gallons of gas in the tank. (it’s a 15.9 gallon tank). I took everything out of the car, including the floormats, but left in the factory-supplied air compressor (the corner of the car where the air compressor sits was still the lightest!