Background App refresh
I’ve now turned off background app refresh for all apps. I didn’t realize, at first, that background app refresh could be disabled. It can, though, on a per-app or global basis. so I turned it off completely.
Facebook bug?
I noticed my phone having shorter battery life and staying warm when I wasn’t using it.
In Settings > Privacy > Location Services I disallowed the Facebook app from being able to use my location.
Problem seems to be solved. My iphone now stays at room temperature when I’m not using it.
How did I decide to turn off location services for Facebook?
iOS 7 added a feature allowing apps to occasionally update in the background.
iOS 7.1
With the 7.1 update, I’m much more comfortable with iOS 7. I no longer miss iOS 6.
The updated lock screen and phone apps are the best touches. I especially like the new effects when waking up or turning off the screen: a subtle, super-fast zoom in on wake and zoom out on sleep.
Making the transition animations shorter is also nice, everything feels snappier because of it.
The new calendar app looks nice but is still clunky from a usability perspective.
Screens on for takeoff
FAA is finally going to allow electronics during takeoff and landing.
I’ve been cheating with my iPhone, iPad, and laptop for as long as I’ve had said devices, so I’m glad to hear I’ll soon be able to stop looking over my shoulder for nagging airline attendants while doing so!
Claire and Joy coined a new word: urbanvore, a person (often homeless) who subsists on whatever the city streets provide. It’s a good day when a produce truck full of apples loses a crate!
We consider freeganism to be distinct from urbanvores. A freegan who lives in the city would also be considered an urbanvore, but an urbanvore does not necessarily have to be a freegan.
Sleepy macbook pro
I’ve been quite thrilled with the new 15” macbook pro I got at work, with one hitch … it often goes to sleep randomly when running on battery. Even while I’m typing.
I finally figured out why.
My new money clip wallet has an inordinately strong magnet in it.
Using Omnifocus
I never cared about having a “to-do list”. My style of “task management” used to be to keep in my head the most important things I needed to do and not worry about the rest. A nice, simple system.
Unfortunately, I’d often find myself driving to work, realizing I’d left something at home I meant to take with me.
Ever have that feeling where you sit down at the computer, ready to look something up you were excited to research, only to realize you forgot what it was?
Mountain Lion's Cringes at MobileMe
I set up on Mountain Lion with all my accounts, including the Apple ID I used with MobileMe. The result was nearly every operation in resulted in a minute or two of the spinning beach ball.
After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I noticed errors in the referring to my MobileMe’s apple id, so I deleted that account completely from and now it all works great!