Helmet Dropped
By astrophoenix
oops. got gas at 43 miles, set my helmet on the bike seat while fueling. so of course I managed to knock the helmet off, onto the ground. as soon as it fell off, I remembered reading that if you set the helmet on the ground while refueling you can’t knock it off.
I finished fueling (it took 1.755 gallons) and got back on the road.
Today I rode up 88 highway as far as hackamore road. This was the first time I got to go highway speeds. There is a lot of wind at 55mph!
When I got home and took my helmet off I realized one of the quick release connectors for the face plate was gone! it must have fallen off when I knocked the helmet off the seat. I got right back on the bike and went straight to the gas station. it was still there! so when I got back home I put it back together, and there seems to be no damage. the bike is up to a total of 60.1 miles now. today I rode for 18.2 miles, and between the helmet mishap and the high-speeds on 88 highway, there was certainly a lot of excitement today